module Shrine::Plugins::DerivationEndpoint::ClassMethods

  1. lib/shrine/plugins/derivation_endpoint.rb

Public Instance methods

derivation(name, &block)

Registers a derivation block, which is called when the corresponding derivation URL is requested.

[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/derivation_endpoint.rb
73 def derivation(name, &block)
74   derivations[name.to_sym] = block
75 end

Returns a mountable Rack app that handles derivation requests.

[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/derivation_endpoint.rb
41 def derivation_endpoint(**options)
42 self, options: options)
43 end
[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/derivation_endpoint.rb
81 def derivation_options
82   opts[:derivation_endpoint][:options]
83 end
derivation_response(env, **options)

Calls the derivation endpoint passing the request information, and returns the Rack response triple.

It uses a trick where it removes the derivation path prefix from the path info before calling the Rack app, which is what web framework routers do before they’re calling a mounted Rack app.

[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/derivation_endpoint.rb
51 def derivation_response(env, **options)
52   script_name = env["SCRIPT_NAME"]
53   path_info   = env["PATH_INFO"]
55   prefix = derivation_options[:prefix]
56   match  = path_info.match(/^\/#{prefix}/)
58   fail Error, "request path must start with \"/#{prefix}\", but is \"#{path_info}\"" unless match
60   begin
61     env["SCRIPT_NAME"] += match.to_s
62     env["PATH_INFO"]    = match.post_match
64     derivation_endpoint(**options).call(env)
65   ensure
66     env["SCRIPT_NAME"] = script_name
67     env["PATH_INFO"]   = path_info
68   end
69 end
[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/derivation_endpoint.rb
77 def derivations
78   opts[:derivation_endpoint][:derivations]
79 end