module Shrine::Plugins::FormAssign::AttacherMethods

  1. lib/shrine/plugins/form_assign.rb


Public Instance

  1. form_assign

Public Instance methods

form_assign(fields, result: shrine_class.opts[:form_assign][:result])

Helper for setting the attachment from form fields. Returns normalized fields.

attacher = Shrine::Attacher.from_entity(photo, :image)

attacher.form_assign({ image: file, title: "Title" })
#=> { image: '{...}', title: "Title" }

attacher.form_assign({ image: "", image_remote_url: "...", title: "Title" })
#=> { image: '{...}', title: "Title" }

attacher.form_assign({ image: "", title: "Title" })
#=> { title: "Title" }

You can also return the result in form of attributes to be used for database record creation.

attacher.form_assign({ image: file, title: "Title" }, result: :attributes)
#=> { image_data: '{...}', title: "Title" }
[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/form_assign.rb
36 def form_assign(fields, result: shrine_class.opts[:form_assign][:result])
37   form   = create_form_object
38   fields = form_write(form, fields)
40   form_attach(form)
42   form_result(fields, result)
43 end