module Shrine::Plugins::ValidationHelpers

  1. lib/shrine/plugins/validation_helpers.rb

Documentation can be found on


Public Class

  1. configure
  2. load_dependencies


DEFAULT_MESSAGES = { max_size: -> (max) { "size must not be greater than #{}" }, min_size: -> (min) { "size must not be less than #{}" }, max_width: -> (max) { "width must not be greater than #{max}px" }, min_width: -> (min) { "width must not be less than #{min}px" }, max_height: -> (max) { "height must not be greater than #{max}px" }, min_height: -> (min) { "height must not be less than #{min}px" }, max_dimensions: -> (dims) { "dimensions must not be greater than #{dims.join("x")}" }, min_dimensions: -> (dims) { "dimensions must not be less than #{dims.join("x")}" }, mime_type_inclusion: -> (list) { "type must be one of: #{list.join(", ")}" }, mime_type_exclusion: -> (list) { "type must not be one of: #{list.join(", ")}" }, extension_inclusion: -> (list) { "extension must be one of: #{list.join(", ")}" }, extension_exclusion: -> (list) { "extension must not be one of: #{list.join(", ")}" }, }.freeze  
FILESIZE_UNITS = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"].freeze  
PRETTY_FILESIZE = lambda do |bytes| return "0.0 B" if bytes == 0 exp = Math.log(bytes, 1024).floor max_exp = FILESIZE_UNITS.length - 1 exp = max_exp if exp > max_exp "%.1f %s" % [bytes.to_f / 1024 ** exp, FILESIZE_UNITS[exp]] end  

Returns filesize in a human readable format with units. Uses the binary JEDEC unit system, i.e. 1.0 KB = 1024 bytes

Public Class methods

configure(uploader, default_messages: {}, **opts)
[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/validation_helpers.rb
39 def self.configure(uploader, default_messages: {}, **opts)
40   uploader.opts[:validation_helpers] ||= { default_messages: DEFAULT_MESSAGES.dup }
41   uploader.opts[:validation_helpers][:default_messages].merge!(default_messages)
42 end
load_dependencies(uploader, *)
[show source]
   # File lib/shrine/plugins/validation_helpers.rb
35 def self.load_dependencies(uploader, *)
36   uploader.plugin :validation
37 end