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Validation Helpers

The validation_helpers plugin provides helper methods for validating attached files based on extracted metadata.

plugin :validation_helpers

Attacher.validate do
  validate_mime_type %w[image/jpeg image/png image/webp]
  validate_max_size 5*1024*1024 # bytes
  # ...


File size

The #validate_max_size/#validate_min_size methods accept a number of bytes, and validate that the size metadata value is not greater/less than the specified size.

validate_max_size 5*1024*1024 # file size must not be greater than 5 MB
validate_min_size 1024        # file size must not be less than 1 KB

You can also use the #validate_size method, which combines these two:

validate_size 1024..5*1024*1024 # file size must not be greater than 5 MB nor less than 1 KB

MIME type

The #validate_mime_type_inclusion/#validate_mime_type_exclusion methods accept a list of MIME types, and validate that the mime_type metadata value is/is not a member of that list.

validate_mime_type_inclusion %w[image/jpeg image/png image/webp] # file must be a JPEG, PNG or a WEBP image
validate_mime_type_exclusion %w[application/x-php]               # file must not be a PHP script

Instead of #validate_mime_type_inclusion you can also use just #validate_mime_type.

File extension

The #validate_extension_inclusion/#validation_extension_exclusion methods accept a list of file extensions, and validate that the filename metadata value extension is/is not a member of that list.

validate_extension_inclusion %w[jpg jpeg png webp] # file must have .jpg, .jpeg, .png, or .webp extension
validate_extension_exclusion %w[php]               # file must not have a .php extension

Instead of #validate_extension_inclusion you can also use just #validate_extension.

Since file extension doesn't have to match the type of the file, it's good practice to validate both the file extension and the MIME type.

Image Dimensions

These validations validate width and height metadata values, which are extracted by the store_dimensions plugin.

plugin :store_dimensions

It's good practice to validate dimensions in addition to filesize, as a guard against decompression attacks.


The #validate_max_width/#validate_min_width methods accept a width in pixels, and validates that the width metadata value is not greater/less than the specified number:

validate_max_width 5000 # image width must not be greater than 5000px
validate_min_width 100  # image width must not be less than 100px

You can also use the #validate_width method, which combines these two:

validate_width 100..5000 # image width must not be greater than 5000px nor less than 100px


The #validate_max_height/#validate_min_height methods accept a height in pixels, and validates that the height metadata value is not greater/less than the specified number:

validate_max_height 5000 # image height must not be greater than 5000px
validate_min_height 100  # image height must not be less than 100px

You can also use the #validate_height method, which combines these two:

validate_height 100..5000 # image height must not be greater than 5000px nor less than 100px

Width & Height

The #validate_max_dimensions/#validate_min_dimensions methods accept an array of width and height in pixels, and validates that the width and height metadata values are not greater/less than the specified numbers:

validate_max_dimensions [5000, 5000] # image dimensions must not be greater than 5000x5000
validate_min_dimensions [100, 100]   # image dimensions must not be less than 100x100

You can also use the #validate_dimensions methods, which combines these two:

validate_dimensions [100..5000, 100..5000] # image dimensions must not be greater than 5000x5000 nor less than 100x100

Dynamic evaluation

The validation methods return whether the validation succeeded, allowing you to easily do conditional validation:

Attacher.validate do
  if validate_mime_type_inclusion %w[image/jpeg image/png image/webp]
    validate_max_width 2000
    validate_max_height 2000

Error messages

If you would like to change default validation error messages, you can pass in the :default_messages option to the plugin:

plugin :validation_helpers, default_messages: {
  max_size:            -> (max)  { I18n.t("errors.file.max_size", max: max) },
  min_size:            -> (min)  { I18n.t("errors.file.min_size", min: min) },
  max_width:           -> (max)  { I18n.t("errors.file.max_width", max: max) },
  min_width:           -> (min)  { I18n.t("errors.file.min_width", min: min) },
  max_height:          -> (max)  { I18n.t("errors.file.max_height", max: max) },
  min_height:          -> (min)  { I18n.t("errors.file.min_height", min: min) },
  max_dimensions:      -> (dims) { I18n.t("errors.file.max_dimensions", dims: dims) },
  min_dimensions:      -> (dims) { I18n.t("errors.file.min_dimensions", dims: dims) },
  mime_type_inclusion: -> (list) { I18n.t("errors.file.mime_type_inclusion", list: list) },
  mime_type_exclusion: -> (list) { I18n.t("errors.file.mime_type_exclusion", list: list) },
  extension_inclusion: -> (list) { I18n.t("errors.file.extension_inclusion", list: list) },
  extension_exclusion: -> (list) { I18n.t("errors.file.extension_exclusion", list: list) },

If you would like to change the error message inline, you can pass the :message option to any validation method:

Attacher.validate do
  validate_mime_type %w[image/jpeg image/png image/webp], message: "must be JPEG, PNG or WEBP"