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Pretty Location

The pretty_location plugin attempts to generate a nicer folder structure for uploaded files.

plugin :pretty_location

This plugin uses the context information from the Attacher to try to generate a nested folder structure which separates files for each record. The newly generated locations will typically look like this:

# :model/:id/:attachment/:derivative-:uid.:extension

By default if a record class is inside a namespace, only the "inner" class name is used in the location. If you want to include the namespace, you can pass in the :namespace option with the desired separator as the value:

plugin :pretty_location, namespace: "_"
# "blog_user/.../493g82jf23.jpg"

plugin :pretty_location, namespace: "/"
# "blog/user/.../493g82jf23.jpg"

By default, if there is a record present, the record id will is used in the location. If you want to use a different identifier for the record, you can pass in the :identifier option with the desired method/attribute name as the value:

plugin :pretty_location, identifier: "uuid"
# "user/aa357797-5845-451b-8662-08eecdc9f762/profile_picture/493g82jf23.jpg"

plugin :pretty_location, identifier: :email
# "user/"

By default, the class name will be only downcased. We can also have the class name underscored with the :class_underscore option:

plugin :pretty_location
# "blogpost/aa357797-5845-451b-8662-08eecdc9f762/image/493g82jf23.jpg"

plugin :pretty_location, class_underscore: :true
# "blog_post/aa357797-5845-451b-8662-08eecdc9f762/image/493g82jf23.jpg"

For a more custom identifier logic, you can overwrite the method #generate_location and call #pretty_location with the identifier you have calculated.

def generate_location(io, record: nil, **context)
  identifier = if record.is_a?(User)
  pretty_location(io, record: record, identifier: identifier, **context)