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Default URL

The default_url plugin allows setting the URL which will be returned when there is no attached file.

plugin :default_url

Attacher.default_url do |**options|

The Attacher#url method will return the default URL when attachment is missing:

user.avatar_url #=> "/avatar/missing.jpg"
# or
attacher.url #=> "/avatar/missing.jpg"

Any URL options passed will be available in the default URL block:

attacher.url(foo: "bar")
Attacher.default_url do |**options|
  options #=> { foo: "bar" }

The default URL block is evaluated in the context of an instance of Shrine::Attacher.

Attacher.default_url do |**options|
  self    #=> #<Shrine::Attacher>

  file    #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
  name    #=> :avatar
  record  #=> #<User>
  context #=> { ... }

  # ...


If the default URL is relative, the URL host can be specified via the :host option:

plugin :default_url, host: ""
attacher.url #=> ""