
Last Update: 2023-07-30 18:26:06 +0200

title: Shrine 2.18.0

New features

  • Added Shrine.upload_response to upload_endpoint plugin for handling uploads inside a custom controller. This allows authenticating uploads on the controller level:

rb # config/routes.rb (Rails) Rails.application.routes.draw do # ... post "/images/upload" => "uploads#image" end “‘rb # app/controllers/uploads_controller.rb (Rails) class UploadsController < ApplicationController def image authenticate_user!

  set_rack_response ImageUploader.upload_response(:cache, request.env)


def set_rack_response((status, headers, body))
  self.status = status
  self.response_body = body

end “‘

  • Added Shrine.presign_response to presign_endpoint plugin for handling uploads inside a custom controller. This allows authenticating uploads on the controller level:

rb # config/routes.rb (Rails) Rails.application.routes.draw do # ... post "/images/presign", to: "presigns#image" end “‘rb # app/controllers/presigns_controller.rb (Rails) class PresignsController < ApplicationController def image authenticate_user!

  set_rack_response ImageUploader.presign_response(:cache, request.env)


def set_rack_response((status, headers, body))
  self.status = status
  self.response_body = body

end “‘

  • The :url option has been added to the upload_endpoint plugin for returning the uploaded file URL in the response.

rb plugin :upload_endpoint, url: true # or plugin :upload_endpoint, url: { public: true } # or plugin :upload_endpoint, url: -> (uploaded_file, request) { uploaded_file.url(**options) } rb { "data": { "id": "...", "storage": "...", "metadata": {...} }, "url": "https://example.com/path/to/file" }

This will additionally be recognized by Uppy, so e.g. the Dashboard plugin will display preview link to the file.

js uppy.on('upload-success', (file, response) => { response.uploadURL // => "https://example.com/path/to/file" })

Other improvements

  • The upload_endpoint now accepts the files[] array that Uppy’s XHR Upload plugin sends by default. This means the fieldName parameter can now be omitted.

“‘js // BEFORE uppy.use(Uppy.XHRUpload, { endpoint: ’/upload’, fieldName: ‘file’, })

// AFTER uppy.use(Uppy.XHRUpload, { endpoint: ‘/upload’, }) “‘

  • The Shrine.upload convenience method has been added, which is a bit shorter when you don’t need the uploader instance.

“‘rb Shrine.upload(io, :storage)

# expands to

uploader = Shrine.new(:storage) uploader.upload(io) “‘

  • The Shrine.Attachment(...) shorthand for Shrine::Attachment.new(...) has been added.

rb class Photo include Shrine::Attachment(:image) # expands to Shrine::Attachment.new(:image) end

  • The parsed_json and rack_file plugins now correctly retain the second argument in the Attacher#assign method signature.

Backwards compatibility

  • The aws-sdk-s3 version lower than 1.14.0 has been deprecated for Shrine::Storage::S3 and will be removed in Shrine 3.

  • The :download option in Shrine::Storage::S3#url has been deprecated and will be removed in Shrine 3. The :response_content_disposition option should be used instead.

“‘rb # This is deprecated: uploaded_file.url(download: true)

# Use this: uploaded_file.url(response_content_disposition: “attachment”) “‘

  • Shrine::Storage::S3#upload doesn’t backfill the size metadata value for input IOs with unknown size (e.g. pipes, sockets). This behaviour was not documented and added unnecessary complexity. Moreover, this functionality should be storage agnostic, so if someone requests it we can add it back in form of a plugin.