
Last Update: 2023-07-30 18:26:06 +0200

title: Shrine 2.4.0

New features

  • The default_url_options plugin accepts a block for dynamically generating options.

plugin :default_url_options, store: ->(io, **options) do
  {response_content_disposition: "attachment; filename=\"#{io.original_filename}\""}
  • The activerecord plugin supports JSON and JSONB PostgreSQL columns.

Other improvements

  • The FileSystem storage doesn’t raise an error when attempting to delete a file that doesn’t exist anymore. This behaviour has also been added to the storage linter.

  • Fixed copy plugin running file validations when assigning copied file, which makes it not work with versions plugin.

  • The S3 storage automatically sets the Content-Disposition header with the original filename when uploading files.

  • The <attachment>_data attribute name has been extracted into Attacher#data_attribute, so that it’s possible to override.

  • The value conversion around the data attribute has been refactored into #convert_before_write and #convert_after_read on the Attacher, so that it can be easily overriden in ORM plugins.

  • Work around aws-sdk gem failing if the :content_disposition upload option was passed to the S3 storage containing non-ASCII characters. This is also handled better when generating an URL or presign using the :response_content_disposition option, by URL-encoding the header value.

  • The previous change also makes the Content-Disposition option handle properly filenames with double quotes.

  • UploadedFile#open and UploadedFile#download don’t swallow errors raised by Storage#open anymore.

  • The sequel plugin now uses less memory when creating large amount of records (see the Sequel commit for more details).

  • The download_endpoint plugin uses Roda’s streaming endpoint, which integrates better with EventMachine.

  • Shrine::Attachment#to_s has been added for better introspection when listing model ancestors with puts.

Backwards compatibility

  • The download_endpoint plugin doesn’t use the obsolete Storage#stream method anymore, and instead relies on Storage#open to implement streaming. All of the public Shrine storages plugins already support streaming #open for some time, by using Down::ChunkedIO.

  • Shrine doesn’t anymore explicitly unlink Tempfiles returned by Storage#open after closing them. All external storages already use Down::ChunkedIO for quite some time, which automatically unlinks the underlying Tempfile when #close is called. But even if your storage returns Tempfiles, these should be automatically unlinked on garbage collection by your Ruby implementation.

  • The :host option on FileSystem and S3 storage has been moved from a first-class storage option passed on #initialize to an URL option. The original :host option still works, but will be removed in Shrine 3.

# now deprecated
Shrine::Storage::S3.new(host: "http://abc123.cloudfront.net", **s3_options)

# can be passed to #url
s3 = Shrine::Storage::S3.new(**s3_options)
s3.url(host: "http://abc123.cloudfront.net")

# or can be set automatically using `default_url_options` plugin
Shrine.plugin :default_url_options, store: {host: "http://abc123.cloudfront.net"}
  • Accepting data in form of a JSON string by Shrine.uploaded_file has been deprecated, Attacher#uploaded_file should be used for it instead. Note that Shrine.uploaded_file will still continue to accept Hash or UploadedFile objects.