Multiple Files
There are times when you want to allow users to attach multiple files to a single resource, like an album having many photos or a playlist having many songs. Some file attachment libraries provide a special interface for multiple attachments, but Shrine doesn't have one, because it's more flexible to use the "nested attributes" feature of your ORM directly to implement this.
The basic idea is to create a separate table that will have a many-to-one relationship with the main table, and files will be attached on the records in the new table. That way each record from the main table can implicitly have multiple attachments through the associated records.
- attachment1
- attachment2
- attachment3
- attachment4
- attachment5
To illustrate, this code will create an album with three photos using nested attributes:
title: "My Album",
photos_attributes: [
{ image:"image1.jpg", binmode: true) },
{ image:"image2.jpg", binmode: true) },
{ image:"image3.jpg", binmode: true) },
This design gives you the greatest flexibility, allowing you to support:
- adding new attachments
- updating existing attachments
- removing existing attachments
- sorting attachments (via a separate position column)
- having additional fields on attachments (e.g. captions, votes, number of downloads etc.)
- expanding this to be "many-to-many" relation (e.g. create different playlists from a list of songs, etc)
- ...
How to Implement
For the rest of this guide, we will use the example where we have "albums" that can have multiple "photos" in it. The main table is the albums table and the files (or attachments) table will be the photos table.
1. Create the main resource and attachment table
Let's create a table for the main resource and attachments, and add a foreign key in the attachment table for the main table:
- Sequel
- Active Record
Sequel.migration do
change do
create_table :albums do
primary_key :id
String :title
create_table :photos do
primary_key :id
foreign_key :album_id, :albums
String :image_data
class CreateAlbumsAndPhotos < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :albums do |t|
t.string :title
create_table :photos do |t|
t.references :album, foreign_key: true
t.text :image_data
In the Photo model, create a Shrine attachment attribute named image
matches the _data
column prefix above):
- Sequel
- Active Record
class Photo < Sequel::Model
include ImageUploader::Attachment(:image)
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
include ImageUploader::Attachment(:image)
2. Declare nested attributes
Using nested attributes is the easiest way to implement any dynamic "one-to-many" association. In the Album model we'll declare a one-to-many relationship to the photos table, and allow it to directly accept attributes for the associated photo records by enabling nested attributes:
- Sequel
- Active Record
- Mongoid
class Album < Sequel::Model
one_to_many :photos
plugin :association_dependencies, photos: :destroy # destroy photos when album is destroyed
plugin :nested_attributes
nested_attributes :photos, destroy: true
class Album < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :photos, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos, allow_destroy: true
class Album
include Mongoid::Document
embeds_many :photos
accepts_nested_attributes_for :photos
Documentation on nested attributes:
3. Create the View
Create a form like you normally do to create the album. To this form we'll add
a file field for selecting photos, which will have multiple
attribute to
allow the user to select multiple files. We'll also display nested fields for
already created photos, so that the same form can be used for updating the
album/photos as well (they will be submitted under the
- Rails form builder
- Forme
form_for @album, html: { enctype: "multipart/form-data" } do |f|
f.text_field :title
f.fields_for :photos do |p| # adds new `album[photos_attributes]` parameter
p.hidden_field :image, value: p.object.cached_image_data, id: nil
p.file_field :image
p.check_box :_destroy unless p.object.new_record?
file_field_tag "files[]", multiple: true
f.submit "Create"
form @album, action: "/photos", enctype: "multipart/form-data" do |f|
f.input :title
f.subform :photos do # adds new `album[photos_attributes]` parameter
f.input :image, type: :hidden, value: f.obj.cached_image_data
f.input :image, type: :file
f.input :_delete, type: :checkbox unless
f.input "files[]", type: :file, attr: { multiple: true }, obj: nil
f.button "Create"
In your controller you should still be able to assign all the attributes to the
album, just remember to whitelist the new parameter for the nested attributes,
in this case album[photos_attributes]
4a. Form upload
If you would like to avoid writing JavaScript, you can have selected files uploaded via the form, and then in your controller you can assign them in the format of nested attributes. You'll want to merge these newly uploaded photos with the existing photos params that will come from the nested form fields. This could look something like this:
# In your controller:
# transform the list of uploaded files into a photos attributes hash
new_photos_attributes = params[:files].inject({}) do |hash, file|
hash.merge!(SecureRandom.hex => { image: file })
# merge new photos attributes with existing (`album_params` is whitelisted `params[:album]`)
photos_attributes = album_params[:photos_attributes].to_h.merge(new_photos_attributes)
album_attributes = album_params.merge(photos_attributes: photos_attributes)
# create the album with photos
In this case you need to make sure your form tag has
attributes specified, otherwise form upload
won't succeed.
4b. Direct upload
Alternatively, you can have selected files immediately uploaded to a direct
upload endpoint, as soon as they're selected. It's recommended to use Uppy
for handling client side file uploads. There are two methods of implementing
direct uploads: to your app using the upload_endpoint
plugin, or directly
to a storage like S3 using the presign_endpoint
plugin. See the
walkthroughs for setting up simple direct app uploads and direct S3
uploads, as well as the Roda or Rails demo app
which implement multiple file uploads.
Once files are uploaded asynchronously, you can dynamically insert photo
attachment fields for the image
attachment attribute into the form, where the
hidden field is filled with uploaded file data in JSON format, just like when
doing single direct uploads. The attachment field names should be namespaced
according to the convention that the nested attributes feature expects. In this
case it should be album[photos_attributes][<uid>]
, where <uid>
is any
unique string.
# naming format in which photos fields should be generated and submitted
album[photos_attributes][11111][image] = '{"id":"38k25.jpg","storage":"cache","metadata":{...}}'
album[photos_attributes][29323][image] = '{"id":"sg0fg.jpg","storage":"cache","metadata":{...}}'
album[photos_attributes][34820][image] = '{"id":"041jd.jpg","storage":"cache","metadata":{...}}'
In your controller you don't need to make any changes to handle the nested photos attributes (other than allowing them), your ORM will take care of creating, updating, or removing the associated photos.
Album.create(album_params) # or `params[:album]`
5. Adding Validations
You can add file validations to the Photo
model using the
plugin. You just need to make sure that your ORM is
configured to automatically validate associated records.
class ImageUploader < Shrine
plugin :validation_helpers
plugin :determine_mime_type
Attacher.validate do
validate_max_size 10*1024*1024
validate_mime_type %w[image/jpeg image/png image/webp]
- Sequel
- Active Record
class Album < Sequel::Model
# ... (nested_attributes already enables validating associated photos) ...
class Album < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
validates_associated :photos
Note that by default only metadata set on the client side will be available for
validations. Shrine will not automatically run metadata extraction for directly
uploaded files, as this would require (at least partially) downloading each
file from storage, which could be an unwanted performance penalty. If you want
metadata to be extracted on the server side, you can load the
plugin which will make metadata extraction run on
assignment, or you can extract the metadata manually (e.g. in a background job)
using the refresh_metadata
Now we have a simple interface for accepting multiple attachments, which internally uses the nested attributes feature of your ORM to create multiple associated records, each with a single attachment. After creation you can also add new attachments, or update and delete existing ones, which the nested attributes feature gives you for free.