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File System

The FileSystem storage handles uploads to the filesystem, and it is most commonly initialized with a "base" folder and a "prefix":

require "shrine/storage/file_system"

storage ="public", prefix: "uploads")
storage.url("image.jpg") #=> "/uploads/image.jpg"

This storage will upload all files to "public/uploads", and the URLs of the uploaded files will start with "/uploads/*". This way you can use FileSystem for both cache and store, one having the prefix "uploads/cache" and other "uploads/store". If you're uploading files to the public directory itself, you need to set :prefix to "/":

storage ="public", prefix: "/") # no prefix
storage.url("image.jpg") #=> "/image.jpg"

You can also initialize the storage just with the "base" directory, and then the FileSystem storage will generate absolute URLs to files:

storage =
storage.url("image.jpg") #=> "/var/folders/k7/6zx6dx6x7ys3rv3srh0nyfj00000gn/T/image.jpg"


It's generally a good idea to serve your files via a CDN, so an additional :host option can be provided to #url:

storage ="public", prefix: "uploads")
storage.url("image.jpg", host: "")
#=> ""

If you're not using a CDN, it's recommended that you still set :host to your application's domain (at least in production).

The :host option can also be used wihout :prefix, and is useful if you for example have files located on another server:

storage ="/opt/files")
storage.url("image.jpg", host: "http://943.23.43.1")
#=> "http://943.23.43.1/opt/files/image.jpg"


If you're uploading files on disk and want to improve performance, you can tell the FileSystem#upload method to move files instead of copying them:

storage.upload(file, "/path/to/destination", move: true) # performs the `mv` command

File.exist?(file.path) #=> false

If you want to make this option default, you can use the upload_options plugin, provided that both :cache and :store storages are FileSystem):

plugin :upload_options, cache: { move: true }, store: { move: true }


You can retrieve path to the file using #path:

storage.path("image.jpg") #=> #<Pathname:public/image.jpg>

Deleting prefixed

If you want to delete all files in some directory, you can use FileSystem#delete_prefixed:

storage.delete_prefixed("some_directory/") # deletes all files in "some_directory/"

Clearing cache

If you're using FileSystem as cache, you will probably want to periodically delete old files which aren't used anymore. You can run something like this periodically:

file_system = Shrine.storages[:cache]
file_system.clear! { |path| path.mtime < - 7*24*60*60 } # delete files older than 1 week


The storage sets the default UNIX permissions to 0644 for files and 0755 for directories, but you can change that:"directory", permissions: 0644)"directory", directory_permissions: 0755)


Note that Heroku has a read-only filesystem, and doesn't allow you to upload your files to the "public" directory, you can however upload to "tmp" directory:"tmp/uploads")

Note that this approach has a couple of downsides. For example, you can only use it for cache, since Heroku wipes this directory between app restarts. This also means that deploying the app can cancel someone's uploading if you're using backgrounding. Also, by default you cannot generate URLs to files in the "tmp" directory, but you can with the download_endpoint plugin.