Advantages of Shrine
There are many existing file upload solutions for Ruby out there. This guide will attempt to cover some of the main advantages that Shrine offers compared to these alternatives.
For a more direct comparison with specific file attachment libraries, there are more specialized guides for CarrierWave, Paperclip, and Refile users.
Many alternative file upload solutions are coupled to either Rails (Active Storage) or Active Record itself (Paperclip, Dragonfly). This is not ideal, as Rails-specific solutions fragment the Ruby community between developers that use Rails and developers that don't. There are many great web frameworks (Sinatra, Roda, Cuba, Hanami, Grape) and persistence libraries (Sequel, ROM, Hanami::Model) out there that people use instead of Rails and Active Record.
Shrine, on the other hand, doesn't make any assumptions about which web framework or persistence library you're using. Any web-specific functionality is implemented on top of Rack, the Ruby web server interface that powers all the popular Ruby web frameworks (including Rails). The integrations for specific ORMs are provided as plugins.
# Rack-based plugins
Shrine.plugin :upload_endpoint
Shrine.plugin :presign_endpoint
Shrine.plugin :download_endpoint
Shrine.plugin :derivation_endpoint
Shrine.plugin :rack_response
Shrine.plugin :rack_file
# ORM plugins
Shrine.plugin :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :sequel
Shrine.plugin :mongoid #
Shrine.plugin :rom #
Shrine.plugin :hanami #
Where some popular file attachment libraries have god objects
and Paperclip::Attachment
), Shrine distributes
responsibilities across multiple core classes:
Class | Description |
Shrine::Storage::* | Encapsulate file operations for the underlying service |
Shrine | Wraps uploads and handles loading plugins |
Shrine::UploadedFile | Represents a file that was uploaded to a storage |
Shrine::Attacher | Handles attaching files to records |
Shrine::Attachment | Adds convenience attachment methods to model instances |
photo.image #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile> #=> #<Shrine::Storage::S3>
photo.image.uploader #=> #<Shrine>
photo.image_attacher #=> #<Shrine::Attacher>
photo.class.ancestors #=> [..., #<Shrine::Attachment(:image)>, ...]
The attachment functionality is decoupled from persistence and storage, which makes it much easier to reason about. Also, special care was taken to make integrating new storages and persistence libraries as easy as possible.
Shrine uses a plugin system that allows you to pick and choose the features that you want. Moreover, you'll only be loading code for the features you've selected, which means that Shrine will generally load much faster than the alternatives.
Shrine.plugin :instrumentation
# which translates to
require "shrine/plugins/instrumentation"
Shrine.plugin Shrine::Plugins::Instrumentation
Shrine.method(:instrument).owner #=> Shrine::Plugins::Instrumentation::ClassMethods
Shrine recommends a certain type of attachment flow, but it still offers good low-level abstractions that give you the flexibility to build your own flow.
uploaded_file = ImageUploader.upload(image, :store) # metadata extraction, upload location generation #=> "44ccafc10ce6a4ff22829e8f579ee6b9.jpg"
uploaded_file.metadata #=> { ... extracted metadata ... }
data = uploaded_file.to_json # serialization
# ...
uploaded_file = ImageUploader.uploaded_file(data) # deserialization
uploaded_file.url #=> "https://..." { |tempfile| ... } # streaming download
Shrine is very diligent when it comes to dependencies. It has two mandatory dependencies – Down and ContentDisposition – which are loaded only by components that need them. Some Shrine plugins also require additional dependencies, but you only need to load them if you're using those plugins.
Moreover, Shrine often gives you the ability choose between multiple
alternative dependencies for doing the same task. For example, the
plugin allows you to choose between the file
FileMagic, FastImage, MimeMagic, or Marcel gem for determining the MIME
type, while the store_dimensions
plugin can extract dimensions using
FastImage, MiniMagick, or ruby-vips gem.
Shrine.plugin :determine_mime_type, analyzer: :marcel
Shrine.plugin :store_dimensions, analyzer: :mini_magick
Shrine is designed to handle any types of files. If you're accepting uploads of multiple types of files, such as videos and images, chances are that the logic for handling them will differ:
- small images can be processed on-the-fly, but large files should be processed in a background job
- you might want to store different files to different storage services (images, documents, audios, videos)
- extracting metadata might require different tools depending on the filetype
With Shrine you can create isolated uploaders for each type of file. For features you want all uploaders to share, their plugins can be loaded globally, while other plugins you can load only for selected uploaders.
# loaded for all plugins
Shrine.plugin :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :instrumentation
class ImageUploader < Shrine
# loaded only for ImageUploader
plugin :store_dimensions
class VideoUploader < Shrine
# loaded only for VideoUploader
plugin :default_storage, store: :vimeo
Most file attachment libraries allow you to process files either "eagerly" (Paperclip, CarrierWave) or "on-the-fly" (Dragonfly, Refile, Active Storage). However, each approach is suitable for different requirements. For instance, while on-the-fly processing is suitable for fast processing (image thumbnails, document previews), longer running processing (video transcoding, raw images) should be moved into a background job.
That's why Shrine supports both eager and on-the-fly processing. For example, if you're handling image uploads, you can choose to either generate a set of pre-defined thumbnails during attachment:
class ImageUploader < Shrine
Attacher.derivatives do |original|
magick = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.source(original)
large: magick.resize_to_limit!(800, 800),
medium: magick.resize_to_limit!(500, 500),
small: magick.resize_to_limit!(300, 300),
photo.image_derivatives! # creates thumbnails
photo.image_url(:large) #=> ""
or generate thumbnails on-demand:
class ImageUploader < Shrine
derivation :thumbnail do |file, width, height|
.resize_to_limit!(width.to_i, height.to_i)
photo.image.derivation_url(:thumbnail, 600, 400)
#=> ".../thumbnail/600/400/eyJpZCI6ImZvbyIsInN0b3JhZ2UiOiJzdG9yZSJ9?signature=..."
Many file attachment libraries, such as CarrierWave, Paperclip, Dragonfly and Refile, implement their own image processing macros. Rather than building yet another in-house implementation, a general purpose ImageProcessing gem was created instead, which works great with Shrine.
require "image_processing/mini_magick"
thumbnail = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick
.resize_to_limit(400, 400)
.call # convert input.jpg -auto-orient -resize 400x400> -sharpen 0x1 output.jpg
thumbnail #=> #<Tempfile:/var/folders/.../image_processing20180316-18446-1j247h6.jpg>
It takes care of many details for you, such as auto orienting the input image and applying sharpening to resized images. It also has support for libvips.
libvips is a full-featured image processing library like ImageMagick, with great performance characteristics. It's often multiple times faster than ImageMagick, and also has lower memory usage. For more details, see Why is libvips quick.
The ImageProcessing gem provides libvips support as an alternative
backend, sharing the same API as the
require "image_processing/vips"
# this now generates the thumbnail using libvips
.resize_to_limit!(400, 400)
Other processors
In contrast to most file attachment libraries, file processing in Shrine is just a functional transformation, where you receive the source file on the input and return processed files on the output. This makes it easier to use custom processing tools and encourages building generic processors that can be reused outside of Shrine.
Here is an example of transcoding videos using the streamio-ffmpeg gem:
# Gemfile
gem "streamio-ffmpeg"
class VideoUploader < Shrine
Attacher.derivatives do |original|
transcoded = ["transcoded", ".mp4"]
screenshot = ["screenshot", ".jpg"]
movie =
{ transcoded: transcoded, screenshot: screenshot }
movie.video_derivatives! # create derivatives #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="" ...> #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="7481d6.mp4" ...> #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile id="8f3136.jpg" ...>
Shrine automatically extracts metadata from each uploaded file, including derivatives like image thumbnails, and saves them into the database column. In addition to filename, filesize, and MIME type that are extracted by default, you can also extract image dimensions, or your own custom metadata.
class ImageUploader < Shrine
plugin :determine_mime_type # mime_type
plugin :store_dimensions # width & height
add_metadata :resolution do |io|
image =
photo.image.metadata #=>
# {
# "size" => 42487494,
# "filename" => "nature.jpg",
# "mime_type" => "image/jpeg",
# "width" => 600,
# "height" => 400,
# "resolution" => [72, 72],
# ...
# }
For file validations there are built-in validators, but you can also just use plain Ruby code:
class ImageUploader < Shrine
plugin :validation_helpers
Attacher.validate do
validate_max_size 10*1024*1024
validate_extension %w[jpg jpeg png webp]
if validate_mime_type %W[image/jpeg image/png image/webp]
validate_max_dimensions [5000, 5000]
unless ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.valid_image?(
error << "seems to be corrupted"
In most file upload solutions, support for background processing was an
afterthought, which resulted in complex and unreliable implementations. Shrine
was designed with backgrounding feature in mind from day one. It is supported
via the backgrounding
plugin and can be used with any
backgrounding library.
Shrine.plugin :backgrounding
Shrine::Attacher.promote_block do
PromoteJob.perform_async(,,, name, file_data)
class PromoteJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(attacher_class, record_class, record_id, name, file_data)
attacher_class = Object.const_get(attacher_class)
record = Object.const_get(record_class).find(record_id) # if using Active Record
attacher = attacher_class.retrieve(model: record, name: name, file: file_data)
attacher.create_derivatives # perform processing
rescue Shrine::AttachmentChanged, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
# attachment changes are detected for concurrency safety
With Shrine, there is no need for a separate boolean column that indicates the processing status. Processed file data is stored into the attachment database column, which allows you to easily check whether a file has been processed.
photo = Photo.create(image: file) # background job is kicked off
photo.image(:large) #=> nil (thumbnails are still being processed)
# ... sometime later ...
photo.image(:large) #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile> (processing has finished)
Direct Uploads
For client side uploads, Shrine adopts Uppy, a modern JavaScript file upload library. This gives the developer a lot more power in customizing the user experience compared to a custom JavaScript solution implemented by Refile and Active Storage.
Uppy supports direct uploads to AWS S3 or to a custom endpoint. It also supports resumable uploads, either directly to S3 or via the tus protocol. For the UI you can choose from various components, ranging from a simple status bar to a full-featured dashboard.
Shrine provides server side components for each type of upload. They are built on top of Rack, so that they can be used with any Ruby web framework.
Uppy | Shrine |
XHRUpload | upload_endpoint |
AwsS3 | presign_endpoint |
AwsS3Multipart | uppy-s3_multipart |
Tus | tus-ruby-server |