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Shrine 2.5.0

New features

  • The add_metadata plugin has been extended to enable extracting and saving multiple metadata values at once. This is useful when you have tools which extract various metadata in a single command.
plugin :add_metadata

add_metadata do |io, context|
  movie =

  { "duration"   => movie.duration,
    "bitrate"    => movie.bitrate,
    "resolution" => movie.resolution,
    "frame_rate" => movie.frame_rate }

# You can also optionally add metadata reader methods to the UploadedFile
metadata_method :duration, :bitrate, :resolution, :frame_rate
  • The UploadedFile#dimensions method will now be added when loading the store_dimensions plugin, which returns a two-element array of width and height.
plugin :store_dimensions
uploaded_file = uploader.upload(image)

uploaded_file.width      #=> 500
uploaded_file.height     #=> 400
uploaded_file.dimensions #=> [500, 400] (new)
  • The :fallback_original_option has been added to versions plugin, allowing you to disable automatic fallback to the cached file when using backgrounding, so that you can use a default URL instead.
plugin :versions, fallback_to_original: false
  • The rack_file plugin now enables the uploaders themselves to accept Rack uploaded file hashes for upload, in addition to attachers.
plugin :rack_file
params[:file] #=> {:tempfile=>#<Tempfile>, :name=>"file", ...}

uploaded_file = uploader.upload(params[:file])
uploaded_file.original_filename #=> "nature.jpg"
uploaded_file.mime_type         #=> "image/jpeg"

Other improvements

  • The validation helper methods now also return whether the validation suceeded, which makes it much easier to do conditional validation.
plugin :validation_helpers

Attacher.validate do
  if validate_extension_inclusion %w[jpg jpeg png gif]
    validate_mime_type_inclusion %w[image/jpeg image/png image/gif]
  • A Attacher.default_url method has been added to default_url plugin, as a new idiomatic way of declaring the default URL. This API better communicates that the default URL functionality is tied only to the attacher. This block is now also evaluated in the context of a Shrine::Attacher instance.
plugin :default_url

Attacher.default_url do |options|
  self   #=> #<Shrine::Attacher>
  name   #=> :image
  record #=> #<Photo>

  • The validation_helpers plugin will now match the file extension in a case insensitive way, so if you do validate_extension_inclusion ["jpg"], that will now also pass for a file named nature.JPG.

  • The backgrounding plugin now also works for plain models, without an ORM. Specifically, it doesn't depend on Attacher.find_record being defined anymore.

  • The presign endpoint in the direct_upload plugin now allows the extension query parameter to be passed without a dot.

  • If the data hash used for instantiating a Shrine::UploadedFile is not valid, an explanatory Shrine::Error will now be raised. Previously Shrine would raise a KeyError for a key that was missing.

  • Shrine now detects whether two versions point to the same IO object, and raises a Shrine::Error. Previously the upload would fail with an IOError when the same IO object would attempt to be uploaded the second time, which wasn't very descriptive.

  • When remove_invalid plugin removes an invalid cached file, it now also removes the dirty state from the attacher.

Backwards compatibility

  • Passing a block when loading the default_url plugin is now deprecated over the new Attacher.default_url.
# deprecated
plugin :default_url do |context|


  • Added the "Multiple Files" guide describing how to set up multiple file uploads using nested association attributes.