Last Update: 2023-07-30 18:26:06 +0200

3.5.0 (2023-07-06)

  • Migrate website to Docusaurus v2 (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Return 400 Bad Request response when serialized file component is invalid (@janko)

  • base – Stop using obsolete URI.regexp in UploadedFile#extension (@y-yagi)

  • s3 – Add :encoding option to S3#open to be passed to Down::ChunkedIO#initialize (@pond)

  • s3 – Add :max_multipart_parts option for changing default limit of 10,000 parts (@jpl)

  • s3 – Don’t inherit S3 object tags when copying from temporary to permanent storage (@jrochkind)

  • infer_extension – Add infer_extension instance method to the uploader for convenience (@aried3r)

  • derivation_endpoint – Add :signer plugin option for providing a custom URL signer (@thibaudgg)

  • derivatives – Don’t leak versions_compatibility: true setting into other uploaders (@janko)

  • derivatives – Add :mutex plugin option for skipping mutex and making attacher marshallable (@janko)

  • remove_attachment – Fix passing boolean values being broken in Ruby 3.2 (@janko)

  • model – When duplicating a record, make the duplicated attacher reference the duplicated record (@janko)

3.4.0 (2021-06-14)

  • base – Fix passing options to Shrine.Attachment on Ruby 3.0 (@lucianghinda)

  • determine_mime_type – Return correct image/svg+xml MIME type for SVGs with :fastimage analyzer (@Bandes)

  • activerecord – Fix keyword argument warning when adding errors with options (@janko)

  • entity – Make Attacher#read method public (@janko)

  • entity – Reset attachment dirty tracking in Attacher#reload (@janko)

  • activerecord – Don’t load the attacher on ActiveRecord::Base#reload if it hasn’t yet been initialized (@janko)

  • sequel – Don’t load the attacher on Sequel::Model#reload if it hasn’t yet been initialized (@janko)

3.3.0 (2020-10-04)

  • s3 - Support new Aws::S3::EncryptionV2::Client for client-side encryption (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Reduce possibility of timing attacks when comparing signatures (@esparta)

  • derivatives – Avoid downloading the attached file when calling default no-op processor (@janko)

  • derivatives – Add :download processor setting for skipping downloading source file (@jrochkind, @janko)

  • derivatives – Copy non-file source IO objects into local file before passing them to the processor (@jrochkind)

  • sequel – Call Attacher#reload in Sequel::Model#reload, which keeps rest of attacher state (@janko, @jrochkind)

  • activerecord – Call Attacher#reload in ActiveRecord::Base#reload, which keeps rest of attacher state (@janko, @jrochkind)

  • add_metadata – Add :skip_nil option for excluding metadata keys whose values are nil (@renchap)

  • store_dimensions – Add :auto_extraction option for disabling automatically extracting dimensions on upload (@renchap)

  • mirroring – Forward original upload options when mirroring upload (@corneverbruggen)

  • derivation_endpoint – Apply version URL option in derivation endpoint (@janko)

  • remove_attachment – Delete removed file if a new file was attached right after removal (@janko)

  • upload_endpoint – Fix Shrine.upload_response not working in a Rails controller (@pldavid2)

  • presign_endpoint – Add OPTIONS route that newer versions of Uppy check (@janko)

  • derivatives – Add :create_on_promote option for auto-creating derivatives on promotion (@janko)

  • s3 – Add back support for client-side encryption (@janko)

  • memory – Ensure Memory#open returns content in original encoding (@jrochkind)

3.2.2 (2020-08-05)

  • s3 – Fix S3#open not working on aws-sdk-core 3.104 and above (@janko)

3.2.1 (2020-01-12)

  • derivation_endpoint – Use Rack::Files constant on Rack >= 2.1 (@janko)

  • Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings regarding separation of positional and keyword arguments (@janko)

  • s3 – Make S3#open handle empty S3 objects (@janko)

3.2.0 (2019-12-17) [release notes]

  • validation – Run validation on Attacher#attach & Attacher#attach_cached instead of Attacher#change (@janko)

  • remove_invalid – Activate also when Attacher#validate is run manually (@janko)

  • remove_invalid – Fix incompatibility with derivatives plugin (@janko)

  • type_predicates – Add new plugin with convenient UploadedFile predicate methods based on MIME type (@janko)

  • core – Allow assigning back current attached file data (@janko)

  • derivatives – Fix :derivative value inconsistency when derivatives are being promoted (@janko)

  • add_metadata – Add #add_metadata method for adding metadata to uploaded files (@janko)

  • derivatives – Add :io and :attacher values to instrumentation event payload (@janko)

3.1.0 (2019-11-15) [release notes]

  • default_storage – Coerce storage key to symbol in Attacher#cache_key & Attacher#store_key (@janko)

  • core – Coerce storage key to symbol in Attacher#cache_key & Attacher#store_key (@janko)

  • add_metadata – Define metadata methods only for the target uploader class (@janko)

  • derivatives – Add :storage option to Attacher#create_derivatives (@janko)

  • store_dimensions – Propagate exceptions on loading ruby-vips in :vips analyzer (@janko)

  • signature – Allow skipping rewinding by passing rewind: false to Shrine.signature (@janko)

  • derivatives – Add Attacher.derivatives alias for Attacher.derivatives_processor (@janko)

3.0.1 (2019-10-17) [release notes]

  • metadata_attributes – Fix exception being raised when there is no attached file (@janko)

  • core – Simplify UploadedFile#inspect output (@janko)

3.0.0 (2019-10-14) [release notes]

  • derivation_endpoint – Pass action: :derivation when uploading derivation results (@janko)

  • core – Add Shrine::Attachment[] shorthand for (@janko)

  • core – Add Storage#delete_prefixed method for deleting all files in specified directory (@jrochkind)

  • linter – Return true in Storage::Linter#call so that it can be used with assert (@jrochkind)

  • linter – Allow Storage::Linter to accept a key that will be used for testing nonexistent file (@janko)

  • core – Infer file extension from filename metadata (@janko)

  • pretty_location – Add :class_underscore option for underscoring class name (@Uysim)

  • Update down dependency to ~> 5.0 (@janko)

  • multi_cache – Add new plugin for whitelisting additional temporary storages (@janko, @jrochkind)

  • sequel – Extract callback code into attacher methods that can be overridden (@janko)

  • activerecord – Extract callback code into attacher methods that can be overridden (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Stop re-opening File objects returned in derivation result (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Allow only File or Tempfile object as derivation result (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Add Shrine.download_response for calling in controller (@janko)

  • core – Fetch storage object lazily in Shrine instance (@janko)

  • mirroring – Add new plugin for replicating uploads and deletes to other storages (@janko)

  • sequel – Rename :callbacks option to :hooks (@janko)

  • model – Add Attacher#set_model for setting model without loading attachment (@janko)

  • entity – Add Attacher#set_entity for setting entity without loading attachment (@janko)

  • entity – Define #<name>_attacher class method when including Shrine::Attachment (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Send only :derivation in the instrumentation event payload (@janko)

  • default_storage – Add Attacher.default_cache and Attacher.default_store for settings (@janko)

  • default_storage – Deprecate record & name arguments to storage block (@janko)

  • default_storage – Evaluate storage block in context of Attacher instance (@janko)

  • Unify persistence plugin interface (@janko)

  • upload_options – Keep Shrine#_upload private (@janko)

  • infer_extension – Keep Shrine#basic_location private (@janko)

  • model – Add #<name>_changed? method to attachment module (@janko)

  • Make it easier for plugins to define entity and model attachment methods (@janko)

  • form_assign – Add new plugin for assigning attachment from form params without a form object (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Allow passing generic IO objects to Derivation#upload (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Accept additional uploader options in Derivation#upload (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Close the uploaded file in Derivation#upload (@janko)

  • core – Stop rescuing IO#close exceptions in Shrine#upload (@janko)

  • core – Add :delete option to Shrine#upload for deleting uploaded file (@janko)

  • s3 – Stop returning :object in Down::ChunkedIO#data in S3#open (@janko)

  • s3 – Eliminate #head_object request in S3#open (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Remove extra Storage#exists? check (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Add Derivation#opened for retrieving an opened derivation result (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Remove extra Storage#exists? check when :upload is enabled but not :upload_redirect (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint - Don’t pass source UploadedFile object when :download is false (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Remove :include_uploaded_file option (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Evaluate derivation block in context of Shrine::Derivation (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Remove :download_errors option (@janko)

  • memory – Raise Shrine::FileNotFound on nonexistent file in Memory#open (@janko)

  • file_system – Raise Shrine::FileNotFound on nonexistent file in FileSystem#open (@janko)

  • s3 – Raise Shrine::FileNotFound on nonexistent object in S3#open (@janko)

  • core – Add Shrine::FileNotFound exception and require storages to raise it on Storage#open (janko)

  • instrumentation – Remove :metadata from :options in metadata.shrine event (@janko)

  • instrumentation – Remove :location, :upload_options and :metadata from :options in upload.shrine event (@janko)

  • instrumentation – Add :metadata to the upload.shrine event (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Drop support for legacy /:storage/:id URLs (@janko)

  • core – In UploadedFile#== require files to be of the same class (@janko)

  • core – Add :close option to Shrine#upload for preventing closing file after upload (@janko)

  • memory – Add Shrine::Storage::Memory from shrine-memory gem (@janko)

  • default_url_options – Rename to just url_options (@janko)

  • delete_raw – Deprecate plugin in favour of derivatives (@janko)

  • recache – Deprecate plugin in favour of derivatives (@janko)

  • processing – Deprecate plugin in favour of derivatives (@janko)

  • versions – Deprecate plugin in favour of derivatives (@janko)

  • derivatives – Add new plugin for storing processed files (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Allow using symbol and string derivation names interchangeably (@janko)

  • dynamic_storage – Remove Shrine.dynamic_storages method (@janko)

  • core – Deep duplicate Shrine.opts on subclassing (@janko)

  • core – Add Attacher#file! which asserts that a file is attached (@janko)

  • core – Change Shrine.uploaded_file to raise ArgumentError on invalid input (@janko)

  • module_include – Deprecate plugin over overriding core classes directly (@janko)

  • core – Add Attacher#cache_key and Attacher#store_key which return storage identifiers (@janko)

  • linter – Call Storage#open with options as second argument (@janko)

  • core – Allow data hash passed to to have symbol keys (@janko)

  • core – Change how Shrine::UploadedFile sets its state from the given data hash (@janko)

  • core – Deprecate Storage#open not accepting additional options (@janko)

  • refresh_metadata – Add Attacher#refresh_metadata! method which integrates with model plugin (@janko)

  • instrumentation – Instrument any Storage#open calls in a new open.shrine event (@janko)

  • restore_cached_data – Forward options passed to Attacher#attach_cached to metadata extraction (@janko)

  • validation – Allow skipping validations on attaching by passing validate: false (@janko)

  • validation – Add :validate option to Attacher#assign or Attacher#attach for passing options to validation block (@janko)

  • validation – Extract validation functionality into the new plugin (@janko)

  • upload_options – Upload options from the block are now merged with passed options instead of replaced (@janko)

  • upload_endpoint – Stop passing Rack::Request object to the uploader (@janko)

  • remote_url – Require custom downloaders to raise Shrine::Plugins::RemoteUrl::DownloadError for conversion into a validation error (@janko)

  • infer_extension – Fix compatibility with the pretty_location plugin (@janko)

  • presign_endpoint – Remove deprecated Shrine::Plugins::PresignEndpoint::App constant (@janko)

  • keep_files – Remove the ability to choose whether to keep only destroyed or only replaced files (@janko)

  • infer_extension – Remove Shrine#infer_extension method (@janko)

  • default_url_options – Allow overriding passed URL options by deleting them inside the block (@janko)

  • cached_attachment_data – Rename Attacher#read_cached to Attacher#cached_data (@janko)

  • sequel – Add Attacher#atomic_promote and Attacher#atomic_persist (@janko)

  • sequel – Remove persistence from Attacher#promote (@janko)

  • activerecord – Remove persistence from Attacher#promote (@janko)

  • atomic_helpers – Add new plugin with helper methods for atomic promotion and persistence (@janko)

  • backgrounding – Add Attacher#promote_block & Attacher#destroy_block for overriding class level blocks (@janko)

  • backgrounding – Add Attacher.promote_block & Attacher.destroy_block on class level (@janko)

  • backgrounding – Remove overriding Attacher#swap with atomic promotion (@janko)

  • backgrounding – Remove Attacher.promote, Attacher.delete, Attacher.dump, Attacher#dump, Attacher.load, Attacher.load_record (@janko)

  • model – Allow disabling caching to temporary storage on assignment (@janko)

  • model – Add Attacher.from_model, Attacher#write (@janko)

  • model – Add new plugin for integrating with mutable structs (@janko)

  • entity – Add Attacher.from_entity, Attacher#reload, Attacher#column_values, Attacher#attribute (@janko)

  • entity – Add new plugin for integrating with immutable structs (@janko)

  • column – Allow changing column serializer from default JSON library (@janko)

  • column – Add Attacher#column_data and Attacher.from_column methods (@janko)

  • column – Add new plugin for (de)serializing attacher data (@janko)

  • attachment – Removed any default attachment methods (@janko)

  • core – Require context hash passed as second argument to Shrine#upload to have symbol keys (@janko)

  • core – Change Shrine.uploaded_file not to yield files anymore (@janko)

  • core – Allow Shrine.uploaded_file to accept file data hashes with symbol keys (@janko)

  • core – Remove Shrine#uploaded?

  • core – Remove Shrine#delete, Shrine#_delete, Shrine#remove (@janko)

  • core – Remove Shrine#store, Shrine#_store, Shrine#put, Shrine#copy (@janko)

  • core – Remove Shrine#processed, Shrine#process (@janko)

  • core – Don’t pass :phase anymore on uploads (@janko)

  • core – Read attachment from the record attribute only on initialization (@janko)

  • core – Don’t require a temporary storage (@janko)

  • core – Add Attacher#data and Attacher.from_data for dumping to and loading from a Hash (@janko)

  • core – Change Attacher#assign to raise exception when non-cached file is assigned (@janko)

  • core – Enable Attacher#assign to accept cached file data as a Hash (@janko)

  • core – Add Attacher#file alias for Attacher#get (@janko)

  • core – Change Attacher#attached? to return whether a file is attached (@janko)

  • core – Change Attacher#promote to always only save promoted file in memory (@janko)

  • core – Rename Attacher#replace to Attacher#destroy_previous (@janko)

  • core – Remove Attacher#_promote and Attacher#_delete, add Attacher#promote_cached and Attacher#destroy_attached (@janko)

  • core – Rename Attacher#set and Attacher#_set to Attacher#change and Attacher#set (@janko)

  • core – Remove Attacher#cache! and Attacher#store!, add Attacher#upload (@janko)

  • core – Rename Attacher#validate_block to Attacher#_validate (@janko)

  • core – Add Attacher#attach, Attacher#attach_cached, extracted from Attacher#assign (@janko)

  • core – Remove Attacher#swap, Attacher#update, Attacher#read, Attacher#write, Attacher#data_attribute, Attacher#convert_to_data, Attacher#convert_before_write, and Attacher#convert_after_read (@janko)

  • core – Change to not accept a model anymore (@janko)

  • delete_promoted – Remove plugin (@janko)

  • parsed_json – Remove plugin (@janko)

  • parallelize – Remove plugin (@janko)

  • hooks – Remove plugin (@janko)

  • core – Remove deprecated Shrine::IO_METHODS constant (@janko)

  • s3 – Replace source object metadata when copying a file from S3 (@janko)

  • core – Change UploadedFile#storage_key to return a Symbol instead of a String (@janko)

  • infer_extension – Make :mini_mime the default analyzer (@janko)

  • Bring back Ruby 2.3 support (@janko)

  • versions – Remove deprecated :version_names, Shrine.version_names and Shrine.version? (@janko)

  • validation_helpers – Remove support for regexes in MIME type or extension validations (@janko)

  • validation_helpers – Don’t require #width and #height methods to be defined on UploadedFile (@janko)

  • validation_helpers – Fail dimensions validations when width or height metadata is missing (@janko)

  • upload_endpoint – Remove deprecated Shrine::Plugins::UploadEndpoint::App constant (@janko)

  • determine_mime_type – Remove Shrine#mime_type_analyzers method (@janko)

  • store_dimensions – Remove Shrine#extract_dimensions and Shrine#dimensions_analyzers methods (@janko)

  • rack_file – Remove deprecated Shrine::Plugins::RackFile::UploadedFile constant (@janko)

  • rack_file – Drop support for passing file hash to Shrine#upload and Shrine#store (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Move Shrine::Plugins::DownloadEndpoint::App into Shrine::DownloadEndpoint (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Remove deprecated Shrine::DownloadEndpoint constant (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Remove deprecated :storages option (@janko)

  • determine_mime_type – Remove deprecated :default analyzer alias (@janko)

  • default_url – Remove deprecated block argument when loading the plugin (@janko)

  • data_uri – Remove deprecated Shrine::Plugins::DataUri::DataFile constant (@janko)

  • data_uri – Remove deprecated :filename plugin option (@janko)

  • cached_attachment_data – Remove deprecated model setter (@janko)

  • file_system – Remove deprecated :older_than option in FileSystem#clear! (@janko)

  • file_system – Don’t accept a block anymore in FileSystem#open (@janko)

  • file_system – Remove deprecated FileSystem#download method (@janko)

  • file_system – Make FileSystem#movable? and FileSystem#move methods private (@janko)

  • file_system – Remove deprecation warning on unrecognized options in FileSystem#upload (@janko)

  • file_system – Remove deprecated :host option for FileSystem#initialize (@janko)

  • moving – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • multi_delete – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • direct_upload – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • backup – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • background_helpers – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • migration_helpers – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • copy – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • logging – Remove deprecated plugin (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove deprecated S3#download method (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove deprecated S3#stream method (@janko)

  • presign_endpoint – Drop support for presign objects that don’t respond to #to_h (@janko)

  • s3 – Return a Hash in S3#presign when method is POST (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove :download option in S3#url (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove support for non URI-escaped content disposition values (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove S3#s3 method (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove support for specifying :multipart_threshold as an integer (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove :host option on S3#initialize (@janko)

  • s3 – Drop support for aws-sdk-s3 versions lower than 1.14 (@janko)

  • s3 – Drop support for aws-sdk 2.x (@janko)

2.19.0 (2019-07-18) [release notes]

  • pretty_location – Allow specifying a different identifier from id (@00dav00)

  • data_uri – Soft-move Shrine::Plugins::DataUri::DataFile to Shrine::DataFile (@janko)

  • rack_file – Soft-move Shrine::Plugins::RackFile::UploadedFile to Shrine::RackFile (@janko)

  • backup – Deprecate the plugin over mirroring uploads via the instrumentation plugin (@janko)

  • moving – Deprecate the plugin in favor of the :move option for FileSystem#upload (@janko)

  • file_system – Add :move option for FileSystem#upload (@janko)

  • file_system – Don’t fill size metadata if missing in FileSystem#upload (@janko)

  • logging – Deprecate plugin in favour of instrumentation (@janko)

  • instrumentation – Add plugin which sends events via ActiveSupport::Notifications or dry-monitor (@janko)

  • core – Add UploadedFile#[] shorthand for accessing metadata (@janko)

  • add_metadata – Allow calling super when overriding dynamically defined UploadedFile methods (@janko)

  • store_dimensions – Add :on_error option for specifying the exception strategy (@janko)

  • store_dimensions – Print warnings when exception occurred while extracting dimensions (@janko)

  • core – Add Shrine.logger and make any warnings go through it (@janko)

  • copy – Deprecate the plugin (@janko)

  • core – Add ability to force metadata extraction by passing metadata: true to Shrine#upload (@janko)

  • core – Add ability to skip metadata extraction by passing metadata: false to Shrine#upload (@janko)

  • file_system – Deprecate :older_than option for FileSystem#clear! in favour of a block (@janko)

  • file_system – Add the ability for FileSystem#clear! to take a block (@janko)

  • signature – Add Shrine.signature alias for Shrine.calculcate_signature (@janko)

  • store_dimensions – Add Shrine.dimensions alias for Shrine.extract_dimensions (@janko)

  • determine_mime_type – Add Shrine.mime_type alias for Shrine.determine_mime_type (@janko)

  • validation_helpers – Add #validate_max_dimensions, #validate_min_dimensions, and #validate_dimensions (@janko)

  • validation_helpers - Add #validate_size, #validate_width, and #validate_height shorthands (@janko)

  • validation_helpers – Add #validate_mime_type and #validate_extension aliases for inclusion (@janko)

  • validation_helpers – Simplify default validation error messages (@janko)

  • core – Allow registering storage objects under string keys (@janko)

2.18.0 (2019-06-24) [release notes]

  • core – Add Shrine.upload method as a shorthand for (@janko)

  • upload_endpoint – Accept file uploads from Uppy’s default files[] array (@janko)

  • core – Add Shrine::Attachment() shorthand for (@janko)

  • upload_endpoint – Add :url option for adding uploaded file URL to response body (@janko)

  • s3 – Deprecate :download URL option over :response_content_disposition (@janko)

  • s3 – Remove backfilling size metadata when uploading IO objects of unknown size (@janko)

  • s3 – Deprecate aws-sdk-s3 version less than 1.14.0 (@janko)

  • presign_endpoint – Add Shrine.presign_response for handling presigns inside a custom controller (@janko)

  • upload_endpoint – Add Shrine.upload_response for handling uploads inside a custom controller (@janko)

  • rack_file – Fix overriden Attacher#assign not accepting second argument (@janko)

  • parsed_json – Fix overriden Attacher#assign not accepting second argument (@janko)

2.17.0 (2019-05-06) [release notes]

  • data_uri – Add Attacher#assign_data_uri which accepts additional Shrine#upload options (@janko)

  • remote_url – Accept additional Shrine#upload options in Attacher#assign_remote_url (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Allow passing options to Shrine.download_endpoint (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Fix Shrine.download_endpoint not being accepted by Rails’ #mount (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Remove Roda dependency (@janko)

  • presign_endpoint – Soft-rename Shrine::Plugins::PresignEndpoint::App class to Shrine::PresignEndpoint (@janko)

  • upload_endpoint – Soft-rename Shrine::Plugins::UploadEndpoint::App class to Shrine::UploadEndpoint (@janko)

  • processing – Fix defining process blocks being applied to Shrine superclasses (@ksol)

  • derivation_endpoint – Add ETag header to prevent Rack::ETag from buffering file content (@janko)

  • rack_response – Add ETag header to prevent Rack::ETag from buffering file content (@janko)

  • download_endpoint – Add ETag header to prevent Rack::ETag from buffering file content (@janko)

  • default_url – Add :host for specifying the URL host (@janko)

  • versions – Fix uploaded versions being deleted when string version names are used (@janko)

  • versions – Allow Attacher#url to accept version name indifferently (@FunkyloverOne)

  • Improve performance of cleaning empty directories on deletion in FileSystem storage (@adamniedzielski)

  • Drop MRI 2.3 support (@janko)

  • metadata_attributes – Fix Attacher#assign not accepting additional options anymore (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Add support for Rack < 2 (@Antsiscool)

  • derivation_endpoint – Fix :upload option being incompatible with moving plugin (@speedo-spin)

  • determine_mime_type – Allow passing options to analzyers (Marcel accepts :filename_fallback option) (@hmistry)

  • determine_mime_type – Revert “Extended determine MIME type with Marcel” (@hmistry)

  • rack_response – improve performance for upper bounded Range header values (@zarqman)

  • rack_response – prevent response body from yielding nil-chunks (@zarqman)

  • parsed_json – Accepts hashes with symbols keys (@aglushkov)

2.16.0 (2019-02-18) [release notes]

  • derivation_endpoint – Add :upload_open_options for download option for derivation result (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Fix :upload option being incompatible with delete_raw plugin (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Require input file in Derivation#upload to respond to #path (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Delete generated derivation result after uploading in Derivation#upload (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Fix Derivation#processed breaking when derivation result is a File object (@janko)

  • derivation_endpoint – Don’t close input file on Derivation#upload (@janko)

  • Add :delete parameter for skipping delete when delete_raw plugin is loaded (@janko)

  • Don't return Content-Type when it couldn't be determined from file extension in derivation_endpoint (@janko)

  • Add :download_options option to download_endpoint plugin for specifying options for Storage#open (@janko)

  • Don't return Content-Type header in rack_response when MIME type could not be determined (@janko)

  • Open the UploadedFile object in #to_rack_response in rack_response plugin (@janko)

  • Fix store_dimensions plugin making second argument in Shrine#extract_metadata mandatory (@jrochkind)

2.15.0 (2019-02-08) [release notes]

  • Add derivation_endpoint plugin for processing uploaded files on-the-fly (@janko)

  • Allow Marcel to fall back to the file extension in determine_mime_type plugin (@skarlcf)

  • Don't return cached app instance in Shrine.download_endpoint in download_endpoint plugin (@janko)

  • Yield a new File object on Shrine.with_file when tempfile plugin is loaded (@janko)

2.14.0 (2018-12-27) [release notes]

  • Add tempfile plugin for easier reusing of the same uploaded file copy on disk (@janko)

  • Don't re-open the uploaded file if it's already open in refresh_metadata plugin (@janko)

  • Drop support for MRI 2.1 and 2.2 (@janko)

  • Fix backgrounding not working when default storage was changed with (@janko)

  • Don't clear existing metadata definitions when loading add_metadata plugin (@janko)

  • Don't clear existing processing blocks when loading processing plugin (@janko)

  • Deprecate automatic escaping of :content_disposition in Shrine::Storage::S3 (@janko)

  • Use content_disposition gem in Shrine::Storage::S3 and rack_response plugin (@janko)

  • Make FileSystem#clear! work correctly when the storage directory is a symlink (@janko)

  • Don't abort promotion in backgrounding plugin when original metadata was updated (@janko)

  • Don't mutate the UploadedFile data hash in refresh_metadata plugin (@janko)

  • Deprecate Storage::S3#download (@janko)

  • Stop using Storage#download in UploadedFile#download for peformance (@janko)

  • Remove #download from the Shrine storage specification (@janko)

  • Keep context argument in #extract_metadata optional after loading add_metadata plugin (@janko)

  • Include metadata key with nil value when nil is returned in add_metadata block (@janko)

  • Strip query params in upload location when re-uploading from shrine-url storage (@jrochkind)

  • Inline Base plugin into core classes, extract them to separate files (@printercu)

  • Make rack_response plugin work with Rack::Sendfile for FileSystem storage (@janko)

  • Add :filename and :type options to rack_response plugin (@janko)

  • Add :host option to UploadedFile#download_url in download_endpoint plugin (@janko)

  • Add support for client-side encryption to S3 storage (@janko)

  • Don't look up the attachment class in each new model instance (@printercu)

  • Allow Attacher#cached? and Attacher#stored? to take an UploadedFile object (@jrochkind)

  • Allow assigning a filename to the DataFile object in Shrine.data_uri (@janko)

  • Don't strip media type parameters for the DataFile object in data_uri plugin (@janko)

  • Add :content_type analyzer to Shrine.mime_type_analyzers in determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Rename :default analyzer to :content_type in determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Don't display a warning when determine_mime_type plugin is loaded with :default analyzer (@janko)

  • Exclude media type parameters when copying IO#content_type into mime_type metadata (@janko)

  • Remove superfluous #head_object S3 API call in S3#download (@janko)

  • Make S3#download and S3#open work with server side encryption options (@janko)

  • Make previously extracted metadata available under :metadata in add_metadata plugin (@jrochkind)

  • Use a guard raise cause for bucket argument in S3 for an appropriate error message (@ardecvz)

2.13.0 (2018-11-04) [release notes]

  • Specify UTF-8 charset in Content-Type response header in presign_endpoint plugin (@janko)

  • Specify UTF-8 charset in Content-Type response header in upload_endpoint plugin (@janko)

  • Force UTF-8 encoding on filenames coming from Rack's multipart request params in rack_file plugin (@janko)

  • Raise Shrine::Error if file command returns error in stdout in determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Allow :host in S3#url to specify a host URL with an additional path prefix (@janko)

  • Revert adding bucket name to URL path in S3#url when :host is used with :force_path_style (@janko)

  • In upload_endpoint error with “Upload Not Valid” when file parameter is present but not a file (@janko)

  • Allow Attacher#assign to accept options for Shrine#upload (@janko)

  • Add :metadata option to Shrine#upload for manually overriding extracted metadata (@janko)

  • Add :force option to infer_extension plugin for always replacing the current extension (@jrochkind)

  • Add :public option to S3#initialize for enabling public uploads (@janko)

  • Add ability to specify a custom :signer for Shrine::Storage::S3#url (@janko)

  • In S3#upload do multipart upload for large non-file IO objects (@janko)

  • In S3#upload switch to Aws::S3::Object#upload_stream for multipart uploads of IO objects of unknown size (@janko)

  • In S3#upload deprecate using aws-sdk-s3 lower than 1.14 when uploading IO objects of unknown size (@janko)

2.12.0 (2018-08-22) [release notes]

  • Ignore nil values when assigning files from a remote URL (@janko)

  • Ignore nil values when assigning files from a data URI (@GeekOnCoffee)

  • Raise Shrine::Error when child process failed to be spawned in :file MIME type analyzer (@hmistry)

  • Use the appropriate unit in error messages of filesize validators in validation_helpers plugin (@hmistry)

  • Fix subclassing not inheriting storage resolvers from superclass in dynamic_storage plugin (@janko)

  • Un-deprecate assigning cached versions (@janko)

  • Add Attacher#assign_remote_url which allows dynamically passing downloader options (@janko)

  • Deprecate :storages option in download_endpoint plugin in favour of UploadedFile#download_url (@janko)

  • Add :redirect option to download_endpoint plugin for redirecting to the uploaded file (@janko)

  • Fix encoding issues when uploading IO object with unknown size to S3 (@janko)

  • Accept additional arguments in FileSystem#open (@janko)

  • Add :rewindable option to S3#open for disabling caching of read content to disk (@janko)

  • Make UploadedFile#open always open a new IO object and close the previous one (@janko)

2.11.0 (2018-04-28) [release notes]

  • Add Shrine.with_file for temporarily converting an IO-like object into a file (@janko)

  • Add :method value to the S3#presign result indicating the HTTP verb that should be used (@janko)

  • Add ability to specify method: :put in S3#presign to generate data for PUT upload (@janko)

  • Return a Struct instead of a Aws::S3::PresignedPost object in S3#presign (@janko)

  • Deprecate Storage#presign returning a custom object in presign_endpoint (@janko)

  • Allow Storage#presign to return a Hash in presign_endpoint (@janko)

  • Add ability to specify upload checksum in upload_endpoint plugin (@janko)

  • Don't raise exception in :mini_magick and :ruby_vips dimensions analyzers when image is invalid (@janko)

  • Don't remove bucket name from S3 URL path with :host when :force_path_style is set (@janko)

  • Correctly determine MIME type from extension of empty files (@janko)

  • Modify UploadedFile#download not to reopen the uploaded file if it's already open (@janko)

  • Add UploadedFile#stream for streaming content into a writable object (@janko)

  • Deprecate direct_upload plugin in favor of upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint plugins (@janko)

2.10.0 (2018-03-28) [release notes]

  • Add :fastimage analyzer to determine_mime_type plugin (@mokolabs)

  • Keep download endpoint URL the same regardless of metadata ordering (@MSchmidt)

  • Remove :rack_mime extension inferrer from the infer_extension plugin (@janko)

  • Allow UploadedFile#download to accept a block for temporary file download (@janko)

  • Add :ruby_vips analyzer to store_dimensions plugin (@janko)

  • Add :mini_magick analyzer to store_dimensions plugin (@janko)

  • Soft-rename :heroku logging format to :logfmt (@janko)

  • Deprecate Shrine::IO_METHODS constant (@janko)

  • Don't require IO size to be known on upload (@janko)

  • Inherit the logger on subclassing Shrine and make it shared across subclasses (@hmistry)

2.9.0 (2018-01-27) [release notes]

  • Support arrays of files in versions plugin (@janko)

  • Added :marcel analyzer to determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Deprecate :filename option of the data_uri plugin in favour of the new infer_extension plugin (@janko)

  • Add infer_extension plugin for automatically deducing upload location extension from MIME type (@janko)

  • Apply default storage options passed via in backgrounding plugin (@janko)

  • Fix S3 storage replacing spaces in filename with “+” symbols (@ndbroadbent)

  • Deprecate the multi_delete plugin (@janko)

  • Allow calling UploadedFile#open without passing a block (@hmistry)

  • Delete tempfiles in case of errors in UploadedFile#download and Storage::S3#download (@hmistry)

  • Freeze all string literals (@hmistry)

  • Allow passing options to Model#<attachment>_attacher for overriding Attacher options (@janko)

2.8.0 (2017-10-11) [release notes]

  • Expand relative directory paths when initializing Storage::FileSystem (@janko)

  • Fix logging plugin erroring on :json format when ActiveSupport is loaded (@janko)

  • Allow Storage::S3#clear! to take a block for specifying which objects to delete (@janko)

  • Make :filemagic analyzer close the FileMagic descriptor even in case of exceptions (@janko)

  • Make :file analyzer work for potential file types which have magic bytes farther than 256 KB (@janko)

  • Deprecate aws-sdk 2.x in favour of the new aws-sdk-s3 gem (@janko)

  • Modify UploadedFile#extension to always return the extension in lowercase format (@janko)

  • Downcase the original file extension when generating an upload location (@janko)

  • Allow specifying the full record attribute name in metadata_attributes plugin (@janko)

  • Allow specifying metadata mappings on metadata_attributes plugin initialization (@janko)

  • Add support for ranged requests in download_endpoint and rack_response plugins (@janko)

  • Allow Storage::S3#open and Storage::S3#download to accept additional options (@janko)

  • Forward any options given to UploadedFile#open or UploadedFile#download to the storage (@janko)

  • Update direct_upload plugin to support Roda 3 (@janko)

2.7.0 (2017-09-11) [release notes]

  • Deprecate the Shrine::DownloadEndpoint constant over Shrine.download_endpoint (@janko)

  • Allow an additional #headers attribute on presigns and return it in presign_endpoint (@janko)

  • Allow overriding upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint options per-endpoint (@janko)

  • Add :presign and :rack_response options to presign_endpoint (@janko)

  • Add :upload, :upload_context and :rack_response options to upload_endpoint (@janko)

  • Modify upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint to return text/plain error responses (@janko)

  • Add :request upload context parameter in upload_endpoint (@janko)

  • Change :action upload context parameter to :upload in upload_endpoint (@janko)

  • Return 405 Method Not Allowed on invalid HTTP verb in upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint (@janko)

  • Modify upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint to handle requests on the root URL (@janko)

  • Allow creating Rack apps dynamically in upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint (@janko)

  • Remove Roda dependency from upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint plugins (@janko)

  • Split direct_upload plugin into upload_endpoint and presign_endpoint plugins (@janko)

  • Support the new aws-sdk-s3 gem in Shrine::Storage::S3 (@lizdeika)

  • Return Cache-Control header in download_endpoint to permanently cache responses (@janko)

  • Return 404 Not Found when uploaded file doesn’t exist in download_endpoint (@janko)

  • Utilize uploaded file metadata when generating response in download_endpoint (@janko)

  • Fix deprecation warning when generating fake presign with query parameters (@janko)

  • Don't raise error in file and filemagic MIME type analyzer on empty IO (@ypresto)

  • Require down in remote_url plugin even when a custom downloader is given (@janko)

  • Require time library in logging plugin to fix undefined method #iso8601 for Time (@janko)

  • Allow validations defined on a superclass to be reused in a subclass (@printercu)

  • Allow validation error messages to be an array of arguments for ActiveRecord (@janko)

  • Allow model subclasses to override the attachment with a different uploader (@janko)

  • Accept options like store: and cache: via (@ypresto)

  • Raise ArgumentError when :bucket option is nil in Shrine::Storage::S3#initialize (@janko)

  • Don't wrap base64-encoded content into 60 columns in UploadedFile#base64 and #data_uri (@janko)

  • Add :mini_mime option to determine_mime_type plugin for using the mini_mime gem (@janko)

  • Fix data_uri plugin raising an exception on Ruby 2.4.1 when using raw data URIs (@janko)

  • Implement Shrine::Storage::S3#open using the aws-sdk gem instead of (@janko)

  • Un-deprecate Shrine.uploaded_file accepting file data as JSON string (@janko)

  • Don't wrap base64-formatted signatures to 60 columns (@janko)

  • Don't add a newline at the end of the base64-formatted signature (@janko)

2.6.1 (2017-04-12) [release notes]

  • Fix download_endpoint returning incorrect reponse body in some cases (@janko)

2.6.0 (2017-04-04) [release notes]

  • Make Shrine::Storage::FileSystem#path public which returns path to the file as a Pathname object (@janko)

  • Add Shrine.rack_file to rack_file plugin for converting Rack uploaded file hash into an IO (@janko)

  • Deprecate passing a Rack file hash to Shrine#upload (@janko)

  • Expose Shrine.extract_dimensions and Shrine.dimensions_analyzers in store_dimensions plugin (@janko)

  • Add metadata_attributes plugin for syncing attachment metadata with additional record attributes (@janko)

  • Remove the undocumented :magic_header option from determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Expose Shrine.determine_mime_type and Shrine.mime_type_analyzers in determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Add signature plugin for calculating a SHA{1,256,384,512}/MD5/CRC32 hash of a file (@janko)

  • Return the resolved plugin module when calling Shrine.plugin (@janko)

  • Accept hash of metadata with symbol keys as well in add_metadata block (@janko)

  • Add refresh_metadata plugin for re-extracting metadata from an uploaded file (@janko)

  • Allow S3 storage to use parallelized multipart upload for files from FileSystem storage as well (@janko)

  • Improve default multipart copy threshold for S3 storage (@janko)

  • Allow specifying multipart upload and copy thresholds separately in Shrine::Storage::S3 (@janko)

  • Fix Storage::FileSystem#clear! not deleting old files if there are newer files in the same directory (@janko)

  • Allow media type in the data URI to have additional parameters (@janko)

  • URI-decode non-base64 data URIs, as such data URIs are URI-encoded according to the specification (@janko)

  • Improve performance of parsing data URIs by 10x switching from a regex to StringScanner (@janko)

  • Reduce memory usage of Shrine.data_uri and UploadedFile#base64 by at least 2x (@janko)

  • Add Shrine.data_uri to data_uri plugin which parses and converts the given data URI to an IO object (@janko)

  • Make rack_file plugin work with HashWithIndifferentAccess-like objects such as Hashie::Mash (@janko)

  • Expose Aws::S3::Client via Shrine::Storage::S3#client, and deprecate Shrine::Strorage::S3#s3 (@janko)

  • Modify delete_raw plugin to delete any IOs that respond to #path (@janko)

  • Require the Tempfile standard library in lib/shrine.rb (@janko)

  • Deprecate dimensions validations passing when a dimension is nil (@janko)

  • Deprecate passing regexes to type/extension whitelists/blacklists in validation_helpers (@janko)

  • Don't include list of blacklisted types and extensions in default validation_helpers messages (@janko)

  • Improve default error messages in validation_helpers plugin (@janko)

  • Don't require the benchmark standard library in logging plugin (@janko)

  • Don't dirty the attacher in Attacher#set when attachment hasn't changed (@janko)

  • Rename Attacher#attached? to a more accurate Attacher#changed? (@janko)

  • Allow calling Attacher#finalize if attachment hasn’t changed, instead of raising an error (@janko)

  • Make Shrine::Storage::S3#object method public (@janko)

  • Prevent autoloading race conditions in aws-sdk gem by eager loading the S3 service (@janko)

  • Raise Shrine::Error when Shrine#generate_location returns nil (@janko)

2.5.0 (2016-11-11) [release notes]

  • Add Attacher.default_url as the idiomatic way of declaring default URLs (@janko)

  • Allow uploaders themselves to accept Rack uploaded files when rack_file is loaded (@janko)

  • Raise a descriptive error when two versions are pointing to the same IO object (@janko)

  • Make backgrounding plugin work with plain model instances (@janko)

  • Make validation methods in validation_helpers plugin return whether validation succeeded (@janko)

  • Make extension matching case insensitive in validation_helpers plugin (@jonasheinrich)

  • Make remove_invalid plugin remove dirty state on attacher after removing invalid file (@janko)

  • Raise error if Shrine::UploadedFile isn’t initialized with valid data (@janko)

  • Accept extension parameter without the dot in presign endpoint of direct_upload plugin (@jonasheinrich)

  • Add :fallback_to_original option to versions plugin for disabling fallback to original file (@janko)

  • Add #dimensions method to UploadedFile when loading store_dimensions plugin (@janko)

  • Make it possible to extract multiple metadata values at once with the add_metadata plugin (@janko)

2.4.1 (2016-10-17) [release notes]

  • Move back JSON serialization from Attacher#write to Attacher#_set (@janko)

  • Make remove_invalid plugin assign back a previous attachment if was there (@janko)

  • Deprecate Storage::FileSystem#download (@janko)

  • In UploadedFile#download use extension from #original_filename if #id doesn’t have it (@janko)

2.4.0 (2016-10-11) [release notes]

  • Add #convert_before_write and #convert_after_read on the Attacher for data attribute conversion (@janko)

  • Extract the <attachment>_data attribute name into Attacher#data_attribute (@janko)

  • Support JSON and JSONB PostgreSQL columns with ActiveRecord (@janko)

  • Fix S3 storage not handling filenames with double quotes in Content-Disposition header (@janko)

  • Work around aws-sdk failing with non-ASCII characters in Content-Disposition header (@janko)

  • Allow dynamically generating URL options in default_url_options plugin (@janko)

  • Don't run file validations when duplicating the record in copy plugin (@janko)

  • Don't use Storage#stream in download_endpoint plugin anymore, rely on Storage#open (@janko)

  • Remove explicitly unlinking Tempfiles returned by Storage#open (@janko)

  • Move :host from first-class storage option to #url option on FileSystem and S3 storage (@janko)

  • Don't fail in FileSystem storage when attempting to delete a file that doesn't exist (@janko)

  • In UploadedFile#open handle the case when Storage#open raises an error (@janko)

  • Make the sequel plugin use less memory during transactions (@janko)

  • Use Roda’s streaming plugin in download_endpoint for better EventMachine integration (@janko)

  • Deprecate accepting a JSON string in Shrine.uploaded_file (@janko)

  • In S3 storage automatically write original filename to Content-Disposition header (@janko)

  • Override #to_s in Shrine::Attachment for better introspection with puts (@janko)

2.3.1 (2016-09-01) [release notes]

  • Don’t change permissions of existing directories in FileSystem storage (@janko)

2.3.0 (2016-08-27) [release notes]

  • Prevent client from caching the presign response in direct_upload plugin (@janko)

  • Make Sequel update only the attachment in background job (@janko)

  • Add copy plugin for copying files from one record to another (@janko)

  • Disable moving when uploading stored file to backup storage (@janko)

  • Make Attacher#recache from the recache plugin public for standalone usage (@janko)

  • Allow changing Shrine::Attacher#context once the attacher is instantiated (@janko)

  • Make Attacher#read for reading the attachment column public (@janko)

  • Don't rely on the #id writer on a model instance in backgrounding plugin (@janko)

  • Don't make Attacher#swap private in sequel and activerecord plugins (@janko)

  • Set default UNIX permissions to 0644 for files and 0755 for directories (@janko)

  • Apply directory permissions to all subfolders inside the main folder (@janko)

  • Add :directory_permissions to Storage::FileSystem (@janko)

2.2.0 (2016-07-29) [release notes]

  • Soft deprecate :phase over :action in context (@janko)

  • Add ability to sequel and activerecord plugins to disable callbacks and validations (@janko)

  • The direct_upload endpoint now always includes both upload and presign routes (@janko)

  • Don't let the combination for delete_raw and moving plugins trigger any errors (@janko)

  • Add UploadedFile#open that mimics with a block (@janko)

  • In the storage linter don’t require #clear! to be implemented (@janko)

  • In backgrounding plugin don’t require model to have attachment module included (@janko)

  • Add add_metadata plugin for defining additional metadata values to be extracted (@janko)

  • In determine_mime_type plugin raise error when file command wasn’t found or errored (@janko)

  • Add processing plugin for simpler and more declarative definition of processing (@janko)

  • Storage classes don't need to implement the #read method anymore (@janko)

  • Use aws-sdk in S3#download, which will automatically retry failed downloads (@janko)

  • Add :multipart_threshold for when S3 storage should use parallelized multipart copy/upload (@janko)

  • Automatically use optimized multipart S3 upload for files larger than 15MB (@janko)

  • Avoid an additional HEAD request to determine content length in multipart S3 copy (@janko)

2.1.1 (2016-07-14) [release notes]

  • Fix S3#open throwing a NameError if net/http isn’t required (@janko)

2.1.0 (2016-06-27) [release notes]

  • Remove :names from versions plugin, and deprecate generating versions in :cache phase (@janko)

  • Pass a Shrine::UploadedFile in restore_cached_data instead of the raw IO (@janko)

  • Increase magic header length in determine_mime_type and make it configurable (@janko)

  • Execute file command in determine_mime_type the same way for files as for general IOs (@janko)

  • Make logging and parallelize plugins work properly when loaded in this order (@janko)

  • Don't assert arity of IO methods, so that objects like Rack::Test::UploadedFile are allowed (@janko)

  • Deprecate #cached_<attachment>_data= over using <attachment> for the hidden field (@janko)

2.0.1 (2016-05-30) [release notes]

  • Don’t override previously set default_url in versions plugin (@janko)

2.0.0 (2016-05-19) [release notes]

  • Include query parameters in CDN-ed S3 URLs, making them work for private objects (@janko)

  • Remove the :include_error option from remote_url plugin (@janko)

  • Make previous plugin options persist when reapplying the plugin (@janko)

  • Improve how upload options and metadata are passed to storage's #upload and #move (@janko)

  • Remove Shrine::Confirm and confirming Storage#clear! in general (@janko)

  • Allow implementing a custom dimensions analyzer using built-in ones (@janko)

  • Don't error in determine_mime_type when MimeMagic cannot determine the MIME (@janko)

  • Allow implementing a custom MIME type analyzer using built-in ones (@janko)

  • Don't check that the cached file exists in restore_cached_data plugin (@janko)

  • Deprecate migration_helpers plugin and move Attacher#cached? and Attacher#stored? to base (@janko)

  • Don't trigger restore_cached_data plugin functionality when assigning the same cached attachment (@janko)

  • Give Attacher#_promote and Attacher#promote the same method signature (@janko)

  • Add Attacher#_delete which now spawns a background job instead of Attacher#delete! (@janko)

  • Make Attacher#cache!, Attacher#store!, and Attacher#delete! public (@janko)

  • Don't cache storages in dynamic_storage plugin (@janko)

  • Make only one HTTP request in download_endpoint plugin (@janko)

  • Print secuity warning when not using determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Support Mongoid in backgrounding plugin (@janko)

  • Allow including attachment module to non-Sequel::Model objects in sequel plugin (@janko)

  • Handle paths that start with "-" in determine_mime_type plugin when :file analyzer is used (@zaeleus)

  • Allow including attachment module to non-ActiveRecord::Base objects in activerecord plugin (@janko)

  • Remove deprecated “restore_cached” alias for restore_cached_data plugin (@janko)

  • Remove deprecated “delete_uploaded” alias for delete_raw plugin (@janko)

  • Make the default generated unique location shorter (@janko)

  • Make the :delegate option in migration_helpers default to false (@janko)

  • Don't require :storages option anymore in moving plugin (@janko)

  • Don't delete uploaded IO if storage doesn't support moving in moving plugin (@janko)

  • Rename delete phases to be shorter and consistent in naming with upload phases (@janko)

  • Remove deprecated Shrine#default_url (@janko)

  • Remove deprecated :subdirectory on FileSystem storage (@janko)

  • Don't return the uploaded file in Attacher#set and Attacher#assign (@janko)

  • Return the attacher instance in Attacher.promote and Attacher.delete in backgrounding plugin (@janko)

  • Rename “attachment” to “name”, and “uploaded_file” to “attachment” in backgrounding plugin (@janko)

  • Remove using :presign for presign options instead of :presign_options (@janko)

  • Remove deprecated Shrine.direct_endpoint from direct_upload plugin (@janko)

  • Remove deprecated keep_location plugin (@janko)

  • Make Shrine#extract_dimensions a private method in store_dimensions plugin (@janko)

  • Keep Shrine#extract_mime_type a private method when loading determine_mime_type plugin (@janko)

  • Deprecate loading the backgrounding plugin through the old “background_helpers” alias (@janko)

1.4.2 (2016-04-19) [release notes]

  • Removed ActiveRecord’s automatic support for optimistic locking as it wasn’t stable (@janko)

  • Fixed record's dataset being modified after promoting preventing further updates with the same instance (@janko)

1.4.1 (2016-04-18) [release notes]

  • Bring back triggering callbacks on promote in ORM plugins, and add support for optimistic locking (@janko)

1.4.0 (2016-04-15) [release notes]

  • Return “Content-Length” response header in download_endpoint plugin (@janko)

  • Make determine_mime_type and store_dimensions automatically rewind IO with custom analyzer (@janko)

  • Make before_* and after_* hooks happen before and after around_* hooks (@janko)

  • Rename restore_cached plugin to more accurate “restore_cached_data” (@janko)

  • Prevent errors when attempting to validate dimensions when they are absent (@janko)

  • Remove “thread” gem dependency in parallelize plugin (@janko)

  • Add :filename to data_uri plugin for generating filenames based on content type (@janko)

  • Make user-defined hooks always happen around logging (@janko)

  • Add :presign_location to direct_upload for generating the key (@janko)

  • Add separate :presign_options option for receiving presign options in direct_upload plugin (@janko)

  • Add ability to generate fake presigns for storages which don’t support them for testing (@janko)

  • Change the /:storage/:name route to /:storage/upload in direct_upload plugin (@janko)

  • Fix logger not being inherited in the logging plugin (@janko)

  • Add delete_promoted plugin for deleting promoted files after record has been updated (@janko)

  • Allow passing phase to Attacher#promote and generalize promoting background job (@janko)

  • Close the cached file after extracting its metadata in restore_cached plugin (@janko)

  • Rename delete_uploaded plugin to “delete_raw” to better explain its functionality (@janko)

  • Pass the SSL CA bundle to open-uri when downloading an S3 file (@janko)

  • Add Attacher.dump and Attacher.load for writing custom background jobs with custom functionality (@janko)

  • Fix S3 URL erroring due to not being URL-encoded when :host option is used (@janko)

  • Remove a tiny possibility of a race condition with backgrounding on subsequent updates (@janko)

  • Add :delegate option to migration_helpers for opting out of defining methods on the model (@janko)

  • Make logging plugin log number of both input and output files for processing (@janko)

  • Make deleting backup work with backgrounding plugin (@janko)

  • Make storing backup happen after promoting instead of before (@janko)

  • Add :fallbacks to versions plugin for fallback URLs for versions which haven’t finished processing (@janko)

  • Fix keep_files not to spawn a background job when file will not be deleted (@janko)

1.3.0 (2016-03-12) [release notes]

  • Add <attachment>_cached? and <attachment>_stored? to migration_helpers plugin (@janko)

  • Fix Attacher#backup_file from backup plugin not to modify the given uploaded file (@janko)

  • Allow modifying UploadedFile’s data hash after it’s instantiated to change the UploadedFile (@janko)

  • Deprecate the keep_location plugin (@janko)

  • Don't mutate context hash inside the uploader (@janko)

  • Make extracted metadata accessible in #generate_location through :metadata in context hash (@janko)

  • Don't require the "metadata" key when instantiating a Shrine::UploadedFile (@janko)

  • Add :include_error option to remote_url for accessing download error in :error_message block (@janko)

  • Give different error message when file wasn't found or was too large in remote_url (@janko)

  • Rewind the IO after extracting MIME type with MimeMagic (@janko)

  • Rewind the IO after extracting image dimensions even when extraction failed (@kaapa)

  • Correctly infer the extension in #generate_location when uploading an UploadedFile (@janko)

  • Fix ability for errors to accumulate in data_uri and remote_url plugins when assigning mutliples to same record instance (@janko)

  • Bump Down dependency to 2.0.0 in order to fix downloading URLs with "[]" characters (@janko)

  • Add :namespace option to pretty_location for including class namespace in location (@janko)

  • Don't include the namespace of the class in the location with the pretty_location plugin (@janko)

  • Remove aws-sdk deprecation warning when storage isn’t instantiated with credentials (@reidab)

  • Don't make uploaded file's metadata methods error when the corresponding key-value pair is missing (@janko)

  • Close the UploadedFile on upload only if it was previously opened, which doesn’t happen on S3 COPY (@reidab)

  • Fix NameError when silencing “missing record” errors in backgrounding (@janko)

1.2.0 (2016-01-26) [release notes]

  • Make Shrine::Attacher.promote and Shrine::Attacher.delete return the record in backgrounding plugin (@janko)

  • Close the IO on upload even if the upload errors (@janko)

  • Use a transaction when checking if attachment has changed after storing during promotion (@janko)

  • Don't attempt to start promoting in background if attachment has already changed (@janko)

  • Don't error in backgrounding when record is missing (@janko)

  • Prevent multiline content type spoof attempts in validation_helpers (@xzo)

  • Make custom metadata inherited from uploaded files and make #extract_metadata called only on caching (@janko)

1.1.0 (2015-12-26) [release notes]

  • Rename the “background_helpers” plugin to “backgrounding” (@janko)

  • Rename the :subdirectory option to :prefix on FileSystem storage (@janko)

  • Add download_endpoint plugin for downloading files uploaded to database storages and for securing downloads (@janko)

  • Make around_* hooks return the result of the corresponding action (@janko)

  • Make the direct upload endpoint customizable, inheritable and inspectable (@janko)

  • Add upload_options plugin for dynamically generating storage-specific upload options (@janko)

  • Allow the context hash to be modified (@janko)

  • Fix extension not being returned for storages which remove it from ID (Flickr, SQL, GridFS) (@janko)

  • Delete underlying Tempfiles when closing an UploadedFile (@janko)

  • Fix background_helpers plugin not working with ActiveJob (@janko)

  • Add UploadedFile#base64 to the data_uri plugin (@janko)

  • Optimize UploadedData#data_uri to not download the file and instantiate file contents string only once (@janko)

  • Allow adding S3 upload options dynamically per upload (@janko)

  • Add delete_uploaded plugin for automatically deleting files after they’re uploaded (@janko)

  • Close an open file descriptor left after downloading a FileSystem file (@janko)

  • Make FileSystem#url Windows compatible (@janko)

  • Add UploadedFile#content_type alias to #mime_type for better integration with upload libraries (@janko)

  • Add a UploadedFile#data_uri method to the data_uri plugin (@janko)

  • Allow the data_uri plugin to accept “+” symbols in MIME type names (@janko)

  • Make the data_uri plugin accept data URIs which aren’t base64 encoded (@janko)

  • Close all IOs after uploading them (@janko)

  • Allow passing a custom IO object to the Linter (@janko)

  • Add remove_invalid plugin for automatically deleting and deassigning invalid cached files (@janko)

  • Add :max_size option to the direct_upload plugin (@janko)

  • Move Shrine#default_url to default_url plugin (@janko)

  • Enable S3#multi_delete to delete more than 1000 objects by batching deletes (@janko)

  • Add the keep_location plugin for easier debugging or backups (@janko)

  • Add the backup plugin for backing up stored files (@janko)

  • Storages don't need to rewind the files after upload anymore (@janko)

  • Make S3 presigns work when the :endpoint option is given (@NetsoftHoldings)

  • Fix parallelize plugin to always work with the moving plugin (@janko)

  • Fix S3 storage to handle copying files that are larger than 5GB (@janko)

  • Add :upload_options to S3 storage for applying additional options on upload (@janko)

  • Reduce length of URLs generated with pretty_location plugin (@gshaw)

1.0.0 (2015-11-27) [release notes]

  • Improve Windows compatibility in the FileSystem storage (@janko)

  • Remove the ability for FileSystem storage to accept IDs starting with a slash (@janko)

  • Fix keep_files plugin requiring context for deleting files (@janko)

  • Extract assigning cached files by parsed JSON into a parsed_json plugin (@janko)

  • Add (before|around|after)_upload to the hooks plugin (@janko)

  • Fix S3#multi_delete and S3#clear! not using the prefix (@janko)

  • Add ability to pass presign options to storages in the direct_upload plugin (@janko)

  • Remove! because it was actually meant to be only for internal use (@janko)

  • Remove Shrine.delete because of redundancy (@janko)

  • Add default_url_options plugin for specifiying default URL options for uploaded files (@janko)

  • Add module_include plugin for easily extending core classes for given uploader (@janko)

  • Add support for Sequel’s Postgres JSON column support (@janko)

  • Fix migration_helpers plugin not detecting when column changed (@janko)

  • Add the :public option to S3 storage for retrieving public URLs which aren’t signed (@janko)

  • Remove the delete_invalid plugin, as it could cause lame errors (@janko)

  • Don't delete cached files anymore, as it can cause errors with backgrounding (@janko)

  • Add a :host option to the S3 storage for specifying CDNs (@janko)

  • Don't allow same attachment to be promoted multiple times with backgrounding (@janko)

  • Fix recache plugin causing an infinite loop (@janko)

  • Fix an encoding error in determine_mime_type when using :file with non-files (@janko)

  • Make UploadedFile actually delete itself only once (@janko)

  • Make UploadedFile#inspect cleaner by showing only the data hash (@janko)

  • Make determine_mime_type able to accept non-files when using :file (@janko)

  • Make logging plugin accept PORO instance which don’t have an id (@janko)

  • Add rack_file plugin for attaching Rack file hashes to models (@janko)